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    The brain dead partially active!

    The idea was that his brain or brain quickly became inactive when the animal died. Researchers claim to have partly managed an organism's brain four hours after its death. Researchers researched the brain of the dead pigs,

    The results of this study can cause controversy over obstacles between life and death. However, it can create new research fields in the case of Alzheimer's disease. This information was given in a BBC Online report.

    Researchers say, the study of the brain raises questions about morality. Many people say that if the brain is active after death, then the animal can not be called dead, and it can not be said fully alive

    Researchers have demonstrated in their studies that brain death cells can be stopped and some of the connections in the brain can be taken back. However, there was no awareness of the brain's consciousness or consciousness

    The key to this research is that in a few minutes after the movement of blood in the brain stopped, it became irrevocably disabled and challenged this concept.

    Researchers collected 32 pigs from the slaughterhouse. After four hours, it was linked to a system created by Yale University researchers. The system, like the specially made blood, is used to pump the brain in the rhythm like artificial fluid pulse motion. Oxygen and medicines are sent to the brain through synthetic blood in the fluid.

    It decreases the rate of brain cell dying and cells start to live. The cocktail liquid is given to the brain for up to six hours

    Researchers found that the communication between the brain began to work.

    The study was published in the journal Nature of Nature. The researchers said that, among the brain cells, the senapas are responding to the contact area. Like the normal brain, using the same amount of oxygen and responding to medicines.

    After 10 hours of killing pigs, the response is still available. However, there is no signal 'Brain-wide electric activity' in the ECG brain scan, which indicates the brain's consciousness. That is, they are fundamentally similar to the dead brain.

    Yale University's neuroscience professor Nenad Sistatan said, "We thought earlier, the brain-cell death occurred for a long time. Now we have seen, the incidence of cell death occurs gradually and according to the steps. Some of these processes can be stuck, it can be saved and brought back

    Researchers hope to have better protection in case of short-term oxygen deficiency during a long-term stroke or birth.  

    Ethics question ::

    Question about morality on the subject of dead brain research. Researchers say that they have collected brains from pigs or slaughterhouses. Animals were not raised in the laboratory. However, Yale researchers were so concerned about returning the brain's brains that they applied drugs to reduce brain activity.

    Experts observe whether they have received any high level response to the brain; If such a thing were used, they would use anesthetics and end the examination.

    On this issue, the policy makers wrote in Nature magazine, the new policy would be needed. Because the animals used in the study will eventually stay at such a level that they can not be said to be completely alive, and can not even be completely dead.

    According to the researchers, the organisms in the world are called the most complex structures. However, some parts of the brain may not be able to do the third-wire wiring by the researchers through freezing methods or by producing specific parts of the brain.

    Andy Beckel Mitchner, a researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health of the United States, said such research could open the way for new research in the field of postmortem of the brain.

    However, the researchers say that in these cases, there will be many paths to follow in case of any injury to the patient

    The researcher Stefan said, 'There is no knowledge about whether normal brain activity can be done
    What will change the meaning of death? At this moment the answer to this question is 'no'. But some philosophers say, 'We have to dispute the brain of our brains now.

    Dominic Wilkinson, consultant at Medical Ethics and Neonatologist at Oxford University, said, "Now, when someone is diagnosed as brain dead, there is no way to bring him back. If it happens to a person, then he will have to speak in ecstasy. But in the future if his brain is brought back after his death, his consciousness and personality will come back, but it will have a big impact on the definition of death. 

    However, recent studies did not cause cognition in the brain of pigs. The brain was silent.
    However, this study has raised many questions. It contains, how long could the researchers sustain the brain, what would have been if four hours did not wait?

     If the researchers did not use drugs to prevent brain stimulation, then what could have been the result? The question arises.

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